

Your database doesn't just contain your data.

It also contains data about your data.

SQL Server

In SQL Server these are often referred to as system tables and views. They can be found in the master database, which holds data about the database. And in the system views within each database for specific information about each database.

Examples of System Views

  • sys.objects - shows each object, its type and created date
  • sys.indexes - shows each index and type
  • information_schema.columns - shows each column, it's position and datatype


In PostgreSQL a similar collection of tables can be found in the information_schema and PostgreSQL catalog.

Examples of Catalog Objects

  • information_schema.tables - shows each object, its type and created date
  • pg_index - shows each index and type
  • information_schema.columns - shows each column, it's position and datatype

Useful scripts

To illustrate how useful these can be, and which views and tables you need, here are six scripts in SQL Server and PostgreSQL.

Count columns
Count rows
Show data types
Search for a column name
Show all tables in a schema
Show number of tables in each schema

Tested using SQL Server Standard and AWS Aurora (Postgres)


Count Columns

This query returns a list of tables, in alphabetical order, with a count of the columns. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

count(*) as column_count
from information_schema.columns
where table_catalog = 'mydatabase' -- put your DB here
group by table_schema, table_name
order by table_schema, table_name

-- PostgreSQL

select table_name, count(column_name)
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'myschema' -- put your schema here
group by table_name
order by table_name;


Count Rows

This query returns a list of tables, in alphabetical order, with a count of the rows. In the case of SQL Server, this column will contain the schema and table name. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

use mydatabase -- put your DB here

quotename(schema_name(sobj.schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(sobj.name) as table_name,
sum(sptn.rows) as row_count
sys.objects as sobj
inner join sys.partitions as sptn
on sobj.object_id = sptn.object_id
sobj.type = 'U'
and sobj.is_ms_shipped = 0x0
and index_id < 2 -- 0:Heap, 1:Clustered
group by 
order by table_name

-- PostgreSQL

from pg_stat_user_tables
where schemaname = 'myschema'
order by relname;


Show data types

This query returns a list of tables, in alphabetical order, with their column names, data types and lengths. In the case of SQL Server, this also has a column for the schema name. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

use mydatabase -- put your DB here

from information_schema.columns c
join sys.objects o 
on c.table_name = o.name
where type = 'u' -- u is for user created tables
order by c.table_schema

-- PostgreSQL

from information_schema.columns 
where table_schema = 'myschema';


Search for a column name

This query returns a list of column names that match the search criteria in the WHERE clause. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

use mydatabase -- put your DB here

scol.name as column_name,
tab.name as table_name
sys.columns scol
join sys.tables tab 
on scol.object_id = tab.object_id
where scol.name = 'mycolumn' --put your column name here

-- PostgreSQL

from information_schema.columns 
where column_name = 'mycolumn' --put your column name here
and table_schema = 'myschema'  -- put your schema here


Show all tables in a schema

This query returns a list of tables, in alphabetical order, from the schema or database requested. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

use mydatabase -- put your DB here

select [table] = s.name + N'.' + t.name
from sys.tables AS t
inner join sys.schemas AS s
on t.schema_id = s.schema_id
order by [table]

-- PostgreSQL

from information_schema.tables 
where table_schema = 'myschema'  -- put your schema here
order by table_name


Show number of tables in each schema

This query returns a list of tables, in alphabetical order, with their last modified and created date. Add your schema or database name to the code and run the query.

-- SQL Server

use mydatabase -- put your DB here

select  schema_name(schema_id) as schema_name,
         count(name) as table_count
from     sys.tables
group by  schema_name(schema_id)
order by  schema_name(schema_id)

-- PostgreSQL

select schemaname, count(tablename)
from pg_tables 
group by schemaname
order by schemaname

This post first appeared on helenanderson.co.nz

Picture by Pixabay On Pexels

Guest Blogger

Special thanks to our guest blogger Helen Anderson, a BI Consultant for her contribution to the Ronald James Blog this week.

twitter helenanders26  github helenanders26 

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