
Yes, I found the staff very helpful in finding me a job and they got it right first time.


Adam is a Senior Test Analyst at Kykloud, with over 2 years experience with Testing. He started out as an IT Assistant before moving to The GB Group as a System Administrator.

How Ronald James helped Adam find his new dream role

What type of role did he want?


Were you at all hesitant to responding to Ronald James when we approached you?

"No not at all."

What ultimately made you decide to use Ronald James over all the other agencies that approached you?

"They help from start to finish, giving me enough feedback to help with my interview.”

Can you describe what your experience was like with Ronald James?

"I was informed of every step of the interview process"

What was the benefit you got from using Ronald James to help you find your new job?

"I got a salary increase, a job closer to home and a senior role."

Would you recommend our service to other Developers in the North East?

"Yes, I found the staff very helpful in finding me a job and they got it right first time."


Ronald James Group can help you find your dream role.
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