
Amazingly quick and professional


Jay is a Platform Support Engineer at Bede Gaming, with over 1 year experience with Software Development. He started out as an Apprentice Software Developer in Compulsive IT Solutions before moving to Sitel as a Phone Operator.

How Ronald James helped Jay find his new dream role

What type of role did he want?

" Anything software-based"

What ultimately made you decide to use Ronald James over all the other agencies that approached you?

"It was very personal, they kept in touch and were always there to answer any questions"

Can you describe what your experience was like with Ronald James?

"I was called within a week for a job interview."

What was the benefit you got from using Ronald James to help you find your new job?

"I found a job!"

Would you recommend our service to other Developers in the North East?

"Yes amazingly quick and professional"


Ronald James Group can help you find your dream role.
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