

The iOS simulator is so smooth and responsive… At times, having a favourite platform can impact the quality of your work as a mobile developer. Android with React Native can sometimes feels like a second class platform, but there are a few things you can do today, which will put a smile on the face of your Android users.

Platform Touchable

Using React Native Touchable by default in your components will make a huge different to your Android experience. This will use  on iOS and  on Android. This will by default give you the native ripple effect on Android.

Ripple Effect on Android over a card saying “Adidas: Save 6%” with an image

Ripple Effect on Android

Note, that if your Touchable has rounded corners you may get a box effect appear around the element when interacted with. To fix this, wrap your  with a  with the following styles.


Native Drivers

Animations can sometime look a little ‘jerky’ on Android. This is because animations on Android with React Native usually work better when you use the useNativeDriver option.

However the story does not end there, because useNativeDriver only supports a limited number of options, nonetheless one thing it does support are the React Native transforms.

When animating with React Native it is usually better to spend more time animating using transforms; translateXtranslateYscaleXscaleY, instead of position and size properties such as bottomtopleftrightflexwidthheight. This will allow you to utilise the useNativeDriver option and drastically improve animation performance on Android.

Material Design (Bottom Tabs)

When we are developing for a mobile platform, we usually want to adhere to the design guidelines that platform recommends. iOS is more strict with enforcing its design guidelines. Android, because it has multiple phone manufacturers which apply their own skins, can be more lenient.

Material design is great. Re-implementing the bottom tabs with your own design can sometimes be a bad idea, and take people away from the Android-First experience.

Material Bottom Tab Navigation on React Native

React Native Material Bottom Tabs

Material Bottom Navigation is the library to do this.

Hardware Back Handling

The last big mistake which destroy your Android-First experience is not handling the hardware back button correctly. For one of my clients, their app “Reward Me Now” has the back handling done with quality.

If the user is somewhere in the stack and the screen is ‘pop-able’ (e.g. they are not on a root screen, or have submitted a form and can’t go back) then the back button will pop the screen, if the user can’t go back, they will get a dialog asking if they want to leave the app, to avoid accidental pressing and closing of the application.

An Android Alert asking the user if the want to leave “Reward Me Now”

Dialog on Hardware Back Pressed

The back button is also implemented to close side menus and pop multiple screens after a flow has been completed, be sure to test all scenarios in your application. Below is a gist which contains the code for the hook and utility function to achieve the effect in the image above.

import { Alert, BackHandler } from "react-native";

* If we are using React Native Navigation
* the BackHandler.exitApp() will in some
* cases invoke a pop instead of exiting 
* the application. Using the following
* library solves this issue:
* import RNExitApp from "react-native-exit-app";
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-exit-app

 * Handlers Android back button press
 * @param appName
 * @return {boolean}
export const handleBackPress = (appName = "Reward Me Now") => {
  Alert.alert(`Exit ${appName}`, `Do you want to exit the '${appName}' app?`, [
      text: "Cancel"
      text: "Leave",
      style: "destructive",
      onPress: () => BackHandler.exitApp()
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { BackHandler, Platform } from "react-native";
import {
} from "react-native-navigation-hooks";

 * Hanldes the back press on Android with an exit alert
 * (React Native where each screen is unmounted / mounted)
 * @param {*} appName 
 * @param {*} disabled 
export function useHandleBackPressWithExitAlert(appName, disabled){
  const backHandler = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if(!disabled && Platform.OS === "android"){
      backHandler.current = BackHandler.addEventListener("hardwareBackPress", () => handleBackPress(appName));

      return () => {
  }, [])

 * Hanldes the back press on Android with an exit alert
 * (Uses React Native Navigation methods to remove functionality
 * when screen is hidden, otherwise the behaviour will persist
 * when if we push a screen onto the stack)
 * @param {*} componentId 
 * @param {*} appName 
 * @param {*} disabled 
export function useHandleBackPressWithExitAlert(componentId, appName, disabled = false){
  const backHandler = useRef(null);

  useNavigationComponentDidAppear(() => {
    if(!disabled && Platform.OS === "android"){
      backHandler.current = BackHandler.addEventListener("hardwareBackPress", () => handleBackPress(appName));
  }, componentId)

  useNavigationComponentDidDisappear(() => {
    if(!disabled && Platform.OS === "android" && backHandler.current !== null){
  }, componentId);

As of React Native 0.60.4 Android is receiving even more love with the introduction of Hermes: “an open-source JavaScript engine optimised for running React Native apps on Android

Guest Blogger

emmawedekind profile

Special thanks to our guest blogger Luke Brandon Farrell, a full stack developer for his contribution to the Ronald James Blog this week.


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