
"I had multiple interviews within a week and got a salary increase. Dan was helpful and proactive, and quick to respond with answers to questions."


See how we've helped Andrew make a step in his career...

What was your biggest frustration in your previous role?

Maintaining a mature system rather than designing new features, also wanted to work in a team with other developers

What was your ideal role?

Software developer

What ultimately made you decide to use RJ over all the other agencies? 

Local in the North East, Dan was very helpful and proactive.

Can you describe what the experience was like while we helped you find your job?

Dan sent details of about 6 jobs within days, I let him know which were most interesting and had 3 interviews.  He contacted me regularly with updates.

What were the 3 biggest benefits or results you got from using RJ? 

Better role, larger salary

Would you recommend our service? If YES why? 

Yes.  I had multiple interviews within a week and got a salary increase.  Dan was helpful and proactive, and quick to respond with answers to questions.


Ronald James Group can help you find your dream role.
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