
Yes, efficient and helpful. Able to talk things through and get advice when needed.


Micheal has always worked as a Software Developer in London but his new role as a Web Developer at Opia has brought him up North!

See how we helped Michael make a career step...

Were you at all hesitant about responding to Ronald James when we contacted you? 

No, I’ve spoken with Dan and James many times and always find it easy going.

What was your biggest frustration in your previous role?

There wasn't a downside to responding.

What type of new role did you want? 

Software Developer.

What ultimately made you decide to use RJ over all the other agencies? 

Best choice.

Can you describe what the experience was like while we helped you find your job? 

Sent 10 jobs and 3 interviews. I was listened to and kept up to date.

What were the 3 biggest benefits or results you got from using RJ? 

Closer to home, good team and interesting work.

Would you recommend our service? If YES why? 

Yes, efficient and helpful. Able to talk things through and get advice when needed.


Ronald James Group can help you find your dream role.
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